Why should I use Extended DISC®?
Your organisation is likely to consider its people as the most valuable asset. You realise that your employees create a competitive advantage and determine how successful the organisation is and will be in the future. As a result, you want information to clearly understand what employee behaviours lead to success or failure.
If you want to make better strategic and tactical decisions, and to improve your financial results, you need the information Extended DISC® provides.
We provide you with the information you need and help you to use it!
We are the leader in understanding how information about people can generate business value to our clients. We service each client with individuality and tailor our approach to their needs.
Among the many benefits:
- Improved hiring decisions
- Reduces staff turnover
- Staff motivation
- Higher productivity
- Improved utilisation of individual strengths
- Enhanced communication
- Improved sales results
- More efficient team work
- More effective organisations
- Improved management decisions
- Improved business plans
- Improved business results
We have identified the five most common areas where HR issues occur.
Grouping the assessments and tools gives us the 5 Module concept.
Grow & Develop – Understand your people’s behavioural strengths and how to get the best from them. Learn about their motivators, development areas, how they approach tasks and goals and what their communication style is.
Team & Build – Grow healthy teams by understanding each other’s styles to build a more effective and cohesive team, working together to enhance performance and productivity.
Lead & Manage – Understand the different behavioural styles to ensure you adapt your management style to suit individual needs. Learn what motivates your direct reports and how best to communicate with them. Identify future team leaders/ managers to ensure sustained growth and succession strategies.
Recruit & Select – Recruit and retain the most suitable candidates by identifying their natural behavioural style and assessing best fit. Learn about what types of tasks and activities they will feel comfortable undertaking.
Sales & Service – Identify how each style sells and understand your team’s natural selling style. Help the individual team members to understand their development areas and if their role needs redefining.
Recruitment Benefits

Performance Reviews

Improving Communication

Motivating Employees

The Behavioural Assessments have many applications:
- Recruitment
- Retention & Motivation
- Team Development & Building
- Self-development
- Improving Communication
- Coaching & Training
- Leadership Development
- Sales & Management Training
- Customer Service Training
Feel free to reach out – I would love to have a chat about your business.